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Frequently asked questions


Q - Do I need a referral?

A - No. We are a private clinic and clients don't need a referral to make an appointment.


Q - Is there parking available?

A - Yes. There is parking available and lots of on street parking (free) available.


Q - Does private health insurance cover any of the fee?

A - Rebates can be claimed if you have a NDIS Provider.


Q - Is there a government rebate for the sessions?

A - Generally not as we are not Psychologists.


Q - Is there a required age for therapy at HUMANE Clinic?

A - Humane Clinic generally works with adults, but we do also work with young people upon discussion and referral. 



** Please contact us to ask any further questions




Q - How is Humane Clinic different?

A - Humane Clinic does not engage in the use of pathologizing labels for peoples experiences. Instead the approach is understanding that peoples expression is a response to the environments they live in and provide a psychotherapy based relational response as an alternative. 


Q - What is Psychotherapy? (How is it different from Counselling ?)

A - Psychotherapy can be understood to be a human relational process between two people (or a group) where the therapist and client set up to discover 'what is a good life within the parameters of a person life'. It is a mutual and ethical process for anyone who experiences distress or is seeking to consider difficulties in their experience of living. 

Other info




Matt Ball began the Humane Clinic following 15 years of working in public mental health services in the UK and Australia and recognising the inherent problems of these systems and how they stifled the human to human relationship.  His intention now is to bring human to human connection as the response to distress in Psychotherapy and groups and to leave the pathologizing and restricting practices of mental health systems approaches behind. 


ReAwaken Podcast

You can listen to the ReAwaken Podcast through the following channels:





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Youtube & Social Media

You can follow Humane Clinic on the following social media platforms. 






The Just Listening Community opened its doors on 27 May 2021 to provide a community led alternative to emergency mental health supports or visiting the hospital emergency department for people in distress or crisis. The service is an innovative, non-coercive, and non-pathologizing new approach to mental health response conceived of and pioneered by Humane Clinic in Adelaide, South Australia.

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Hearing voices and Alternative realities group
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Have a question?


29 Shepherd Road,

Christies Beach, SA. 5165


Tel: 0466 368 022


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